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4 Tips to Make Back to School a Breeze

 As summer winds down and the start of the school year approaches, the familiar rush of busier laundry days will be returning. For many parents, the prospect of school clothes, sports uniforms, and gym clothes piling up in the laundry basket can be a source of frustration. However, it doesn't have to be this way. With better laundry preparations, you can manage the new school year more effectively!

Here are our tips for optimizing your laundry routine for the school year.

1.   Separate School Clothes from Everyday Clothes

Organizing your laundry by separating school clothes from regular clothes can make a big difference. School clothes include not only specific clothes for school (i.e., uniforms or new clothes) but also sports uniforms, gym clothes, socks and more. By keeping these items separate, you can avoid overloading the washing machine. It will also help to keep items separate and easy to find and grab when the kids are getting ready on those busy mornings.

2.   Assess the School & Fall Clothing

Pull out the new clothes, old clothes that still fit, the fall wear and the outerwear and give it all a good look. Assess for any tears, stains, or missing buttons. Anything that can’t be re-worn should either be donated or tossed. Figure out what the growing kids will need for the new year and shop accordingly. Give the old clothes and new clothes a fresh wash and be ready for the new year and any weather changes to come.

3.   Teach the Kids to do Laundry

If you have older children teaching your kids about laundry fosters discipline and a strong work ethic, imparting important life skills. Explain the basics: putting clothes in the basket, separating colors, using detergents, and folding clothes to remove wrinkles. This not only helps with laundry preparations but also encourages your kids to become more independent. Best of all, frees up some of your time!

4.   Use a Laundry Service

A laundry service can be a tremendous time saver for parents. At Soap Opera Laundromats we offer a reliable and convenient laundry service. You can drop off your laundry and pick it up yourself or schedule a pickup and drop off time and we will come and get it and return it to you clean. All you need to do is put it away! Parents often have busy schedules filled with work, cooking, and childcare. Using a laundry service can simplify your laundry chores and your life. We'll handle the washing for you. 

The new school year can be challenging as everyone adjusts after a long summer. With better laundry preparations, you'll manage the chores just fine!


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